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Gliptone Leather Care

Gliptone - Foam Cleaner 250ml

Marque: Gliptone Leather Care
Disponibilité: En stock
Heure de livraison: 2-3 days

The Gliptone Foam Cleaner is a mousse for maintenance and cleaning of semi-aniline and waxed aniline leather. The Foam Cleaner is also safe to use on older leathers, but it is not intended for cleaning heavily soiled leather with overdue maintenance.

The mousse ensures that the leather does not get wet, which minimizes the chance of stains. Use the Gliptone Foam Cleaner in small quantities and do not let it work on the leather for more than 10 seconds. Then wipe it with a clean cloth, note: move the cloth in one direction and not in circular movements. Take the foam off on time, it should not dry up.

Important: Pure aniline leather is not colourfast, therefore it cannot be guaranteed that it is 100% safe on pure aniline. It is therefore recommended to use the product in an inconspicuous place before treating the leather.

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